May 2019 Newsletter

PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE The month of March saw the Feast of St Patrick which is widely celebrated throughout Queensland. This year, the QIA was represented at the St Patrick’s Day Mass in the Cathedral, and in the St Patrick’s Day Parade. Our great tradition of the St Patrick’s Eve Dinner was held on Thursday 14 March 2019 at the Pullman Hotel. It was a wonderful evening of fine speeches, a delightful dancing display by the Queensland Irish Dancers, an uplifting performance by the QIA Pipe Band, and great renditions of Irish songs by the band and the guests in the room. A lunch for members and friends was held on 24 May and featured presentations to Senator Clare Moore to mark her retirement from the Senate.…

February 2020 Newsletter

St. Patrick’s Eve Dinner It is now less than 4 weeks to the St. Patrick’s Eve Dinner at the Pullman Brisbane Hotel on Monday 16 March 2020, commencing at 6.30pm. Please click the links for the booking form and a flyer for the Dinner, which were omitted from the January Newsletter.…

January 2020 Newsletter

PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Happy New Year to all our members and may 2020 continue to be a successful year for the Queensland Irish Association. Another busy year for the QIA with planning underway of events for the coming year.…

May 2019 Newsletter

PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE The month of March saw the Feast of St Patrick which is widely celebrated throughout Queensland. This year, the QIA was represented at the St Patrick’s Day Mass in the Cathedral, and in the St Patrick’s Day Parade.…