January 2020 Newsletter

PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Happy New Year to all our members and may 2020 continue to be a successful year for the Queensland Irish Association. Another busy year for the QIA with planning underway of events for the coming year. This information will be circulated to members in due course once details are available.   SEAMUS SULLIVAN – CITIZEN OF THE YEAR AWARD We are extremely proud to announce our Vice President Seamus Sullivan was awarded Citizen of the Year at the 2020 Brisbane Lord Mayor’s Australia Day Awards. Seamus has worked tirelessly for the Queensland Irish Association, IASAQ, Gaelic Football and his involvement in many other organisations.…

Join us for our October gathering

Members and potential members of Queensland Irish Association are invited to attend a gathering on Friday, 9 October, 2020, from 4pm at Grand Central Hotel, Ann Street, Brisbane. You can look forward to a special performance from Queensland Irish Association Pipe Band, an Irish trivia quiz with prizes, and Guinness on tap, as well as a wine bar offering 16 excellent wines for complimentary tasting.…

Australia Brisbane craic culture drinks gathering heritage Ireland Irish music Queensland


Bloomsday falls on the 16 June each year. Last year we held a public event in the Queens St Mall. Unfortunately we cannot do so this year. Please enjoy our Bloomsday 2019 video.…

February 2020 Newsletter

St. Patrick’s Eve Dinner It is now less than 4 weeks to the St. Patrick’s Eve Dinner at the Pullman Brisbane Hotel on Monday 16 March 2020, commencing at 6.30pm. Please click the links for the booking form and a flyer for the Dinner, which were omitted from the January Newsletter.…

January 2020 Newsletter

PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Happy New Year to all our members and may 2020 continue to be a successful year for the Queensland Irish Association. Another busy year for the QIA with planning underway of events for the coming year.…